Whether this is your first or your fifteenth student to go to college, the process can be intimidating. There are a lot of applications, deadlines, and options to keep track of. We are here to help. These are questions we frequently receive from parents and family members of students as they apply to college.
During this time of transition, we want to help you support your student and their growth into young adults. As students move from high school and into a college environment or from one college to another, we encourage them to take ownership of that process. We hope that parents and family members will support their students in taking on the responsibility of managing their own application, asking good questions, reaching out to admissions counselors, and meeting important deadlines.
Most conversations about an application must be had with the applicant themselves even if they are under the age of 18 because that record is legally theirs. However, we encourage parents to be involved in many ways including accompanying their students on campus visits, helping students proof-read their personal statement or emails they intend to send to admissions staff, and reminding students of important application steps and deadlines. Our admissions staff is happy to answer any questions you or your student have about the admissions process or the University itself. We look forward to working with you to ensure your student has a successful transition to the University of Cincinnati!