A lot line adjustment is the process that is used to alter property lines of existing parcels. The process can be used to do a number of things, such as: alter the boundary between two (2) parcels or reconfigure the shapes of parcels. In every instance, the lot line adjustment process will yield the same number of parcels. The lot line adjustment process is not used to create additional parcels.
What happens after the Application is accepted as complete?
Once the application is determined to be complete, the processing fees will be requested. The lot line adjustment process does not require any public hearings or notifications but requires review by the Parcel Map Committee. The Department will next request that the County Surveyor and Assessor review the proposed legal description. A letter will be sent to your representative informing them of our action. That notice will contain conditions of approval that must be met in order to complete the process.
Typical conditions of approval require that you: submit an updated title report (less than thirty (30) days old), record a deed creating the newly configured parcels, and modify and rerecord any deeds of trust affecting the property so that they reflect the new configuration. This office works with your title company to coordinate the recording of all the necessary documents; however, the primary responsibility is that of your surveyor.
How Long does it take to Process a Lot Line Adjustment?
Upon submittal of the application for a preliminary review, you should expect a written response in about four (4) weeks. Once the application is complete and the processing fees have been paid, it takes normally about two (2) additional weeks to obtain a decision.
After the Lot Line Adjustment is Approved and Recorded, what happens?
The lots are legally reconfigured upon recordation of the deeds and the Certificate. It will take several weeks for the county's records (Assessor's maps, Surveyor's case maps, etc.) to be updated.